Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beautiful Weather in San Francisco

Beautiful clear skies atop the Marin Headlands. Perfect day to be on the bike. I remember doing this ride 4 years ago on a mountain bike and feeling quite accomplished. Now it's an "easy day" on the bike.
-Jose Molina

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Post: Paradise Loop & Polo Fields

On Sunday, I rode across the Golden Gate bridge and completed the famous Paradise Loop. Total ride distance from SF State and back was about 56 miles.

If you are unfamiliar with Paradise loop, here is a map of t
he route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/722630/

Side note: Now I know where the SF State Romberg Tiburon Center is located!
And this morning, I rode out to the Polo Fields at Golden Gate park. The perfect 1 mile long loop to practice your sprints or to do a recovery ride without having to worry about oblivious early morning drivers.Safe riding,
-Jose Molina